**Now Offering 8k Transformation Video!!**

We are so excited to now offer a little extra

bonus to your 8k image!

What is an 8k image you ask? It is an amazing realistic interpretation of what your baby will look like, based off of their 3D image. Once your 3D/4D ultrasound is complete with our facility you can ask your technician at the end if your baby qualifies for an 8k image! We will send this image off to a company who specializes in transforming them with unimaginable technology for a small fee!

Didn’t think it could get better? We didn’t either! But now you can also add a short video where you can see the process happening! Watch your 3D image become transformed!

You have the option to add this on your paperwork! Not sure if it’s for you? That’s ok, wait until the end of your session & ask your technician! It’s never too late to add it! Even if you had your session days or weeks ago we can still send in your image at any time!

Micah Dugas