Noodle & Boo

As a newer Mom, I like to think of myself as slightly seasoned with a 15 month old now. I am constantly wondering if what I am doing for my son is right. I always wonder if giving him a certain food, like grains, or a certain toy, that says it's for older children, is the right thing to do. When he was tiny I obsessed over every carrier, clothing item, diaper, wipe... You name it, I googled it for hours. I am the proud owner of two different carriers that I used a handful of times and two different strollers I use regularly. We were given multiple different kinds of baby products at our showers. From the ever famous Johnson & Johnson baby wash and shampoo to the newer favorite, Aveeno. I had researched and the Aveeno came highly recommended by many friends. It didn't have a smell, it was hypoallergenic, it was "all natural", it was great; so I thought.

Sometime into my fifth or sixth month I noticed the ever dreaded article on Facebook that mentioned the soap I bathed my precious baby in. It was supposed to be perfect! I was none too pleased to see that it was toting a carcinogenic material in it. Great! Thanks a lot Aveeno for that slap in the face. Parenting fail much? Yep, thats what it felt.

So off to researching again. I asked a few different mom's and went online and that's when I found Noodle & Boo. It's not sold in big box stores so it was a bit difficult to find at first. Baby boutiques were and are really the main place to find it. Not because it's just crazy priced but because it's speciality. Not many people know as much about it because it's not lining those big box stores shelves. Well, now it is lining First Glimpse's shelves and I am extremely proud of this.




My son has been using it for months and months and we LOVE it. It's hypoallergenic, it's made in the USA, it smells AMAZING. It's pediatrician recommended (but really what isn't thats sold in the baby category), and does not contain all of those crazy carcinogenic materials that others do. We are obsessed with it and hope you will be too!

We currently carry the Extra Gentle Shampoo, Newborn 2-IN-1 Hair & Body Wash, Soothing Body Wash, Healthy Hand Wash, and the adorable two pack travel body wash and lotion. The Bundle of Joy pack makes the best gift! Call us or stop by to shop to get yours today!

